Barnum's American Museum

Barnum 's American Museum was in the 19th century, a popular museum in New York City, which only exist online today. 1841 to 1865 there was the Museum of Popular Culture on Broadway in Manhattan. The museum was owned by the famous circus owner PT Barnum.


Phineas Taylor Barnum opened his museum in 1842 as a family-friendly attraction. It has been described as a combination of zoo, museum, waxworks, theater and Sideshow, and had up to 15,000 spectators a day.

On 13 July 1865, the museum was burning in one of the most spectacular fires New York's history completely. Another opened by Barnum Museum burned down mysteriously from 1868 also. Only after Barnum politicians and ringmaster was ( and as such famous).

In 2000 the museum by the City University of New York Graduate Center was reopened on the internet.


Many of the museum were famous attractions, including General Tom Thumb (a " dwarf" ) and his future wife, Lavinia Warren, the Fiji Mermaid (a " Mermaid" ) and Josephine Clofullia ( a bearded woman). Chang and Eng, Siamese twins from the museum were known to constantly argue. Also, a wax figure of Daniel Lambert, his time the heaviest man in the world, was issued with its original clothing.

In addition to the amusement of the audience but the museum also served as the training, focused on science, history and art.

Drawing of the " Fiji Mermaid"

Chang and Eng Bunker

Lavinia Warren
