Barr and Stroud

Barr & Stroud Limited was a Scottish optics manufacturer. The company was founded in 1895 by Archibald Barr ( 1855-1931 ) and William Stroud ( 1860-1938 ) in Glasgow and established military and civilian optical devices.


The two professors of mechanical engineering Archibald Barr and William Stroud physics worked since 1888 at the Yorkshire College together in the field of optical rangefinder. They constructed a tender in the newspaper engineering towards a rangefinder for the infantry, which was not accepted. In 1891 they were invited by the British Admiralty to construct a distance measuring device for the Royal Navy and make it available for testing. A year later, they designed rangefinder (NRF № 1 English Naval Range Finder № 1) was taken over by the Admiralty and awarded a first contract for six instruments. The optical components of the NRF1 Created Adam Hilges ago in London and the mechanical components came from James White of Glasgow.

In 1895, hired Barr & Stroud's patent Ltd initially a workshop in Glasgow to refer a little later a production plant also in Glasgow. 1904 the company had 100 employees and had already moved into a newly built factory in Anniesland, Glasgow. Stroud (1909 ) and Barr (1913 ) reported on their university careers, to devote himself entirely to the 1913 Barr & Stroud Ltd. renamed enterprise.

From 1914 the production of distance-measuring devices has been extended due to the strong demand due to the war. In addition, other military equipment such as depth control device for torpedoes, and aircraft Periskopentfernungsmesser round vision devices have been developed. The company grew to 500 employees.

In the years after World War I Barr & Stroud developed more military equipment and went into the production of civilian optical devices.

In 1977, Barr & Stroud was taken over by the Pilkington Group Limited, which later sold Barr & Stroud to Thales. Barr & Stroud was renamed Thales Optronics Ltd. as now. and moved to a new plant in Linthouse on the site of the former shipyard Alexander Stephen and Sons.

The trademark rights to Barr & Stroud were Thales of Optical Distribution Services Ltd. sold, the Barr & Stroud in 2008 and reactivated on the Optical Vision Ltd. Binoculars made ​​in China under the name of Barr & Stroud sells.


  • Coincidence rangefinder
  • Sectional image rangefinder
  • Inverted image rangefinder
  • Periskopentfernungsmesser
  • Artillery fire control
  • Double Binoculars
  • Telescopes
  • Torpedo control devices
  • Round vision
  • Slot- controlled internal combustion engines