Batting Order (Baseball)

The batting order in baseball, synonymous to line up or batting lineup, specifies the order in which the players enter a team in the offensive on the beat.

The batting order is being held ahead of the game by the manager of the team on the line-up card. This line-up card is handed over to the scorekeeper and transmit the batting order on the score sheet. The binding order according to Line -up Card comes with the Plate conference shortly before the start of the game in force. Then changes in the line-up are not possible in the course of the game. A substitute always strikes at the position of the line-up, where his predecessor was registered. Only players that are listed at the beginning of the game on the line-up card may be loaded. If a player is when the game starts in the dugout, but not noted in the line-up, it may not be exchanged solely because of the presence, he must necessarily be recorded in the line-up. Conversely, it is possible for a player to be noted on the line-up and later but still wanted without that is already present at the match.

Example of a line-up

When the game starts

After Substitutions

If the position is changed on the defensive, so the order at bat ( batting order ) remains, but the position change is noted on the line-up card. In the example Liam Leesson came for Ira Irshwin in the same position as a pitcher in the game. Kevin Kurtz, however, a substitute for Evan Evangelista, took the position in right field, but moved the original rightfielder Charly Chiplan, into leftfield. Nevertheless Charly Chiplan will always be in this game in third place of the batting order.

Moves a team on offense from which substitute players are called Pinch Hitter (PH) if the player is tagged at bat, or as a pinch runner ( PR) when a player is replaced on one of the bases. In the lineup substitute is first registered with the Position Description PH or PR and only provided with a defensive position if he stays on the field and on the defensive. It also applies to Pinch Hitter Pinch Runner and that they need to take the substitute player's place in the batting order.

Positions on the defensive

Now, the field positions in baseball with their abbreviation and the position number (1-9) for the line-up.

Violation of the batting order

If the batting order injured during the game, so a player is skipped, which would according to the given order of the series ( batting out of turn or batting out of order ), so the batter will be considered later as an out, which actually turn would have been if the violation is found after the incorrect batter has completed his shock passage immediately. All points or bases, which go back to his intervention will be canceled. Has already the next batter intervened in the game, so there is no penalty. If the error is noticed, as long as the wrong batter is still at bat, the batting order is restored by the current batter is exchanged at bat.

  • Baseball