Battle of Sitka

The Battle of Sitka in October of 1804 was the last major armed conflict between Europeans and natives of Alaska.

Cause was the destruction of a Russian trading post ( Old Sitka ) two years earlier. It fought the local Tlingit clan of Sheet' - ká X'áat'l ( Baranof Iceland ) and the representatives of the Russian - American Company. Commander of the Russians was Alexander Baranov, Commander of the Tlingits was Katlian.

Although the first attack of the Russians ( at the Baranov suffered serious injuries ), was successfully repelled, the indigenous population was driven by the relentless bombardment of the Tlingit fort by the Russian ships within a few days in the surrounding forests.

The Russian victory was decisive, and resulted in the permanent expulsion of the Tlingit from their ancestral territory. The Russians were able to build an excellent strategic location, permanent settlement in Sitka. The Tlingit fled north and established a new settlement on the neighboring Chichagof Island Iceland. The hostilities continued in the form of sporadic attacks on the Russian settlement to the year 1858.
