Battle of the Zab

The Battle of the Zab (Arabic معركة الزاب, DMG Ma ʿ rakat al- Zab ) took place on 16 January 750 between the Abbasids and the Umayyads on the River Great Zab in northern Iraq instead. Here, the last resistance of the Umayyads ( in Damascus ) under its Caliph Marwan II, was broken by the Abbasids under al- Saffah. The result was a change in the dynasty of caliphs. The Abbasids established the second caliph dynasty. The first capital of the Arab empire of the Abbasid dynasty (750-1258) was al - Anbar in northern Iraq, 762 was Baghdad.

Battle of the Great Zab; Battle of the Great Zab; Battle of the Zab

35.99111111111143.343611111111Koordinaten: 35 ° 59 ' 28 " N, 43 ° 20' 37" E

  • History of Islam
  • Battle ( Middle Ages)
  • Battle of the Islamic expansion
  • Umayyad
  • Abbasids
  • 750