Beaverton (Alabama)

Lamar County


Beaverton is a city in Lamar County, Alabama, United States. according to the census of 2000 had 226 Beaverton residents and a total area of ​​11.9 km ². The name was first used by Naylow Rodney in 1789, when he discovered numerous beaver ( engl. = Beaver ). When he multiplied their estimated weight with the number, he came to the view that there must be a ton ( engl. = ton) beaver.


According to the census of 2000, Beaverton had 226 inhabitants, distributed among 100 households, and 68 families. The population density was 19 inhabitants / km ². 95.58 % of the population were white, 3.1% African American. In 21 % of households lived children under 18 years. The median income for a household was $ 20,750, for a family is $ 38,125, with 9.9% of the population were below the poverty line.


  • Website of the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Location in Alabama
  • Location in North America
  • Lamar County ( Alabama)