Beboid languages

The beboiden languages ​​( short Beboid ) form a sub- unit of the Southern bantoiden languages ​​, a branch of the Benue - Congo languages ​​, which in turn belong to the Niger - Congo.

The 14 beboiden languages ​​are spoken by around 50,000 people in western Cameroon. The most important language is the Noone with 25,000 speakers. Is named the group after the Bebe language, which is spoken by 2,500 people in the North-West Province.

Position of Beboid within the Niger - Congo

  • Niger - Congo > Volta - Congo > Benue - Congo > East Benue - Congo > Bantoid - Cross> Bantoid > South Bantoid > Beboid

Classification of beboiden languages

  • Beboid east Noone ( Noni ) (25 thousand), Bebe ( 2.5 thousand ), Kemezung (5 thousand), Ncane (16 thousand), Nsari ( Akweto ) (7 thousand), Naki (3 thousand), Cung (2 thousand)
  • Mundabli (Bu ) (1 thousand), Koshin (1 thousand), fishing ( 2.5 thousand ), Abar ( Missong ) (2 thousand), Mbu ' (1 thousand)

Some researchers the Mbe ( language code mfo ) and the Mamfe - languages ​​with the beboide languages ​​to a genetic unit Beboid - Nyang are summarized.
