
Bejuma is a city in the west of the state of Carabobo in Venezuela in the north, not far from the coast of the Caribbean.

It is the headquarters of the district (Municipio ). Bejuma is called because of the many green areas " garden Carabobos " and has about 27,380 inhabitants ( OCEI ). Agriculture plays the most important role for the economy of the city.

1843 found the owner of the estate " Fundo Bejuma " the village Bejuma.


10.179166666667 - 68.244444444444Koordinaten: 10 ° 11 ' N, 68 ° 15 ' W Bejuma located on 667 M. above sea level in the Coastal Cordillera. The average temperature is 24 degrees Celsius.


In the Casa de la Cultura ( House of Culture ) is home to the Atheneum, the city library Manuel Pimentel Coronel and the city museum. The City Museum ( " Museo del Occidente de Carabobo pueblos " or " Museum of Peoples Westcarabobos " figure) shows Objects of the peoples of this region, from archaeological finds of indigenous objects from colonial times and later.

The city has a theater, the " Teatro Palermo ", as well as a social center, the " Centro Social Bejuma ".

Sons and daughters of the community

  • Cesar Marcano (* 1987), Venezuelan track cyclist

Pictures of Bejuma
