
Arm of Bekelbaches in NSG Big Meadow

The Bekelbach is an orographic right tributaries of Dalke in North Rhine -Westphalia, Germany. It has a length of 6.8 km.

River course

The Bekelbach occurs in around 100 meters above sea level within the grassland train Bekelheide in the southeast of Bielefeld district wind flute. The water flows from the southwest direction and forms below the source area on a 150 meter long section of the border further south situated nature reserve Hasselbachaue. After the Bekelbach exceeded the Gütersloher city limits, it reaches to the Great Meadow another designated as a nature reserve area, and is within this 230 -acre wetland complex is a widespread grave system.

After leaving the area of ​​coverage leads the waters, scarce in the field of city Verl, at the level of the water mill Ruth man on the right side in the Dalke. The Bekelbach overcomes during its flow path a height difference of 16 meters, thus results in an average bed slope of 2.4 ‰.


Both the Bekelbach as well as through by him Bekelheide derive their name from the farmstead Bekel, about the results of the watercourse on Windflöter area. The term " Beckel " principal place has been mentioned in the mid 12th century, making it one of the oldest and largest courtyards of the later church Senne I.
