Benedict Jacka

Benedict Jacka (* 20th century ) is a British author. He is the author of the fantasy series Alex Verus.

Life and work

Upon completion of the school Jacka studied at the University of Cambridge, where he met his future editor Sophie Hicks from the publisher Victor Gollancz Ltd.. , Who has both children as well as fantasy literature in the program.

His first publications were three children's books about ninja. 2012 published three volumes of the fantasy series Alex Verus. The hero of the series, Alex Verus, operates in civil life a shop for magicians supplies in a backyard in Camdentown, but is equipped with hidden psychic abilities. He can see into the future, bring fire and fly - qualities that will enable him to successfully solve the most incredible problems.



The reviews of the books published so far were mostly positive. SF Crowsnet called it an " entertaining, albeit undemanding reading pleasure ." FantasyBookCritic also gave positive criticism to Fated by pointing out that it is to be seen how the series was developing further.

Pictures of Benedict Jacka
