Benjamín Rausseo

Benjamín Rausseo ( born January 26, 1961 in Musipán, Monagas ) is a Venezuelan entertainer and entrepreneur. In early 2006 he took the plunge into politics and is a candidate for the upcoming presidential elections on 3 December 2006 in Venezuela.


Better known he is by his stage name " El Conde del Guacharo " (or " El Conde " - the Count ), which he uses for his performances. Its typical features are a straw hat and a colorful T- shirt. The " Conde " deals in his shows mainly with the relationship between man and woman as well as the respective government of Venezuela. Here, the strong polarizing President Hugo Chavez offers him a good target, which he often exploits, but has also brought him some enemies. Also inconvenience from the daily lives of Venezuelans, such as the bureaucracy, are not neglected during his performances. Rausseo is known for its spicy humor - many of his gags go significantly below the belt. The band of the Condes, which accompanied his performances musically, he calls " Filharmonica Musipán " ( musipanische Philharmonic ) to his hometown Musipán.

As " Conde " Rausseo is known and loved by Venezuelans at home and abroad as well as in the Spanish-speaking population in Florida. Furthermore, however, his reputation is rather low. Rausseo has released several CDs with his jokes, some of which also appeared as a record. Some of them are live recordings of his performances.

Rausseo had a supporting role in the award-winning Venezuelan short film " Cédula Ciudadano ", which won several awards internationally.

For several years Rausseo is also active as an entrepreneur. He has an amusement park called Reino de Musipán (Kingdom Musipán ) on the holiday island of Isla Margarita, who is also named after his hometown. The concept is to the parks such as Ajar Disneyland, but Rausseo sees his park at the same time as a parody.


Rausseos entry into politics was first ridiculed, but he showed in interviews a great political background knowledge. The large parts of the Venezuelan population, popular and well known Rausseo was until mid-2006 to become a serious candidate for the upcoming presidential election. He stands in clear opposition to President Chavez, his own party over the " Piedra " program ( in German: stone) has been but little known.
