Berdmore's ground squirrel

The Berdmore palm squirrel ( Menetes berdmorei ) is a species of squirrel that is native in the mainland of Southeast Asia. The range extends from the east of Myanmar to Vietnam; However, it is missing on the Malay Peninsula.

This little-known squirrel is whitish gray-brown on the upper side and lower side. Note the lateral longitudinal stripes: On each page you will see a beige and including a black stripe. The head is tapered so that this squirrel is reminiscent of a mouse, but even more so to a tree shrews. The body length is 20 cm, added 15 inch cock.

As bodenbewohnendes Squirrel Berdmore the palm squirrel climbs rarely on trees. It hides most of the undergrowth of rain forests. Often, however, it penetrates even in fields and villages. In rice fields, it is in some omnipresent. Despite this frequency Berdmore palm squirrels are so far poorly understood, so that you know next to nothing about their lifestyle.
