Bereavement in Judaism#Yahrtzeit.2C Nahala

The year ( in Switzerland regional partly also the year ) or the Anniversar (plural Anniversarien, from Latin anniversarium ) refers to the ritual Begängnis the anniversary of the death of a believer. Was initially celebrated as goods Anniversarien especially birthdays and throne ascents of rulers, so it became common from the Middle Ages than to celebrate the anniversary of his death " birthday for the Sky".


Based on the hard days of the Christian saints and martyrs already arrived in the early Middle Ages to the custom to commemorate special deceased to their respective death. In addition to the Anniversarien of important ecclesiastical and secular dignitaries also those of the abbots and monks were committed in monastic communities sometimes. About Prayer fraternization regulated several religious institutions among themselves that they would commit the Anniversarien of all persons involved.

Basis for the commemoration usually formed a foundation ( Seelgerät ), which was either made ​​as a precautionary measure by the stakeholders themselves or their descendants. From the 12th century such " foundations for the soul " took (Karl Schmid) to enormous. The enforcement of the doctrine of purgatory is likely to be partly responsible for this increase. To stay up to date on the growing number of memorial services were monasteries and convents on to list the names of the deceased donor under the date of her death in calendar Necrologies or year books. By no later than the 15th century also led the parish churches as well as individual hospitals and infirmaries appropriate directories, which prove the enormous spread of this tradition. For the Latin anniversarium naturalized itself from the 14th century jarzyt Middle High German equivalent one.

While the Reformers declared the intercession for ineffective and therefore abolished the year time being, this experienced in Catholic regions in the early modern period, and especially after the Council of Trent to flower, which persisted partly to the 20th century. Only towards the end of the 20th century was in many places specified that the seasons are no longer to be kept forever, but limited to 15, 20 or maximum of 25 years.


The year ( Yiddish Jorzajt יאָרצייַט or Yahrtzeit, יאָרצייַט ) is also observed in Judaism. Your date is based on the Jewish calendar. About the Yiddish of the old German - term Yahrtzeit has become common in all Ashkenazim. To celebrate the year heard the saying of the Kaddish, the visit of the tomb (if possible) as well as lighting a candle that burns for 24 hours ( year - Light). The memory of the deceased was preserved since the Middle Ages in Memorbüchern.

Israeli standard military graves of David Elazar, Jonathan Netanyahu and others with Yahrzeit candles.

The grave Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach with year - Light

Six year - candles in Pearl Harbor ( 2007) - the Holocaust Memorial Day on " Sharkey Theater" on board the " Naval Station Pearl Harbor ."

Electric version of a light - year

A light year in a small house for protection on a Jewish grave
