Berlin (North Dakota)

LaMoure County


Berlin is a city in LaMoure County, in the south of the U.S. state of North Dakota, about 52 kilometers north of the border with South Dakota. Berlin currently has about 35 inhabitants, spread over an area of 0.3 km ². Your mayor until his death in January 2013 Darryl Ellingson. The village was founded in Berlin in 1887. By Berlin is a railway track.


The average income of a household is $ 31,250, the median income for a family at $ 46,875. Men have less than women in Berlin who have an average income of $ 26,250, so $ 2,500 on average $ 28,750. The per capita income is $ 18,795. 14.3 % of the population and 8.1 % of families are below the poverty line. 22.9% of the population is under 18 years old and 100 females aged 18 and over are statistically 105.9 males. The average age is 46 years. (As of 2000).


Milton Young Senator, North Dakota took from 1945 to 1981 in the U.S. Senate.

  • Place in North Dakota
  • Location in North America
  • LaMoure County