Bernabé Rivera

Bernabé Rivera on the map of Uruguay

Bernabé Rivera is a village in the north of Uruguay.


It is located in the northern part of the department of Artigas in its fourth sector south of the Cuchilla Yacaré Cururu. In the vicinity is the source of the Cañada del Capón. A few kilometers south of Arroyo Tres Cruces runs Grande, north of Arroyo Grande Yacaré. Nearest major settlements are Topador in the East, Paso Farías in the southwest and Javier de Viana in a southeasterly direction.


On May 26, 1924 " Pueblo " classified Bernabé Rivera by law Nr.7720 in the category.



Bernabé Rivera has with the established on 15 May 1996 Centro Educativo Integrado - Bernabé Rivera via a secondary school ( Liceo ). In 2008, the school had a class size of 57.


Bernabé Rivera has 380 inhabitants, of whom 193 are men and 187 women (as of 2011).

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
