Berner Schilling

The Bernese Chronicle (also Berner Schilling or Government Chronicle ) is one of Diebold Schilling the Elder wrote Chronicle of the Burgundian Wars in the tradition of Swiss illustrated chronicles.

It was announced on January 31, 1474 by Adrian Schultheiss I of Bubenberg and from the city of Bern Council commissioned a report from the anefange than the stat Bern is gestift, untz (to) uff the hüttigen day.

In 1420 use of the written Stadtchronik Konrad Just Ingers and works of Hans Fründ and Bendicht Tschachtlan Schilling wrote to 1483 the Official History of the city of Bern. The first two volumes cover the period from the founding of Bern to 1468, the third is devoted to the Burgundian. They are kept in the Burgerbibliothek Bern.

The illustrated design for the third volume of the official chronicle Schilling is known as Big Burgundian Chronicle. It is kept in the Central Library Zurich.

The Spiez Chronicle arose subsequent to the Official Chronicle and contains an abridged version of the text. Bern and Spiez Schilling together contain more than a thousand pictures.

Gustav Tobler (1855-1921) published the chronicle of Bern in 1901 on behalf of the Historical Society of the Canton of Bern.

Pictures of Berner Schilling
