Bertha von Arnswaldt

Bertha Baroness von Arnswaldt, born in Holland ( born February 3, 1850 in London, † July 12, 1919 in Berlin) was a Berlin salonière.

Life and work

The daughter of Charles Holland and Dorothea born Gerson led, widowed for the third time since 1910, a literary salon in Berlin. Thank Habitués he was regarded as the most important Berliner Salon in the years immediately before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 His specialty was in the unfamiliar social diversity of its audience. Both representatives of the rich economic middle class and the metropolitan Prussian nobility, and writer of early modernism found the way into the house of the Baroness Arnswaldt Nollendorfplatz 7 your conviviality was famous for an intense discussion and debate culture that began to show definite trains of the 20th century and only had little in common with the more subtle, rococo style of the last century. An important role among the habitues of the wife of Arnswaldt played the Rathenau family. The bourgeois salon Arnswaldt can be considered as a link between the classical, aristocratic sociability characterized the imperial period and the late flowering of the salon life in the Weimar Republic. Bertha von Arnswaldt was buried at the Old Twelve Apostles parish cemetery on the column in Berlin- Schöneberg. The art history major tomb is decorated with a expressionistic -conceived marble angel.


Bertha Holland was married three times:

Known habitués
