Beta Virginis

β Virginis (Beta Virginis, β Vir ) is a star in the constellation Virgo. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.6 may, belongs to the spectral class F9 V and is 36 light years away from the Sun.

β Virginis bears the historical proper names Zavijava (also Zavijah, from Arabic الزاوية, DMG az- Zawiya, corner '). The name comes from Arabic al - Zawiyat cawwa, which means " corner of the barking dog ." Other historical names are Alaraph and Minelauva.

As ekliptiknaher star can be covered by β Virginis planet from the moon, and (very rare). The next occultation by a planet will take place on August 11, 2069 by Venus.

  • Individual fourth star size
  • Virgo ( constellation )