Béton brut

Exposed concrete is concrete that is not plastered or blinded and fulfill its view areas usually design features and should have a certain look.


The church was first used on a large scale reinforced concrete as a concrete end of the 1910s at the Lutheran Church in Bad Steben and the Ulm St. Paul's Church on the application. The Freiburg Contractors Brenzinger jr. established in 1929 under the architect Carl Anton Meckel the Church of St. Konrad one of the first with a facade of exposed concrete.

When reinforced concrete with exposed concrete façade was built in 1928 to the second Goetheanum in Dornach 1925.


Normally herewith is a kind of meant to concrete, which emphasizes the selected structure of a formwork brings to face. Near-surface layers are made ​​with extra fine concrete, which can depict the geometry and surface of his former formwork limiting well because of its fluidity and subtlety. For the formwork for the concrete variety of designed flat materials are used, wave pattern, sawtooth profiles and more.

Also artistic techniques make use of exposed concrete; working with exposed concrete is a special form of sculpture. Frequently exposed concrete is combined with wood, since both materials complement each other well.

However, in the simple case of bridge piers of the motorway, to which no special " cosmetic " requirements are imposed, but for which the part of the highway authorities a concrete quality is required, a concrete, as it presents itself without plaster and undisguised, as a rule: the surfaces structures of the formwork panels and wood can often be easily identified in the concrete surface.


In the leaflet exposed concrete of the German Concrete and Construction Technology Association four different classes are introduced for the exposed concrete. According to these classes needs to be defined at a switched exposed concrete surfaces. These concern the scarf skin (texture), labor and scarf skin joints as well as the porosity, color uniformity and evenness of the concrete. In addition, requirements are allocated to the exposed concrete classes with respect to a testing area and the formwork class.
