Bewegung Morgenlicht

" Morning Motion light " is the name under which occurred an alleged militant organization, between 31 October 2009 and 5 February 2010, seven arson attacks perpetrated on the Frankfurt banks, post sent a fake bomb to the Hesse state premier Roland Koch and other attacks threatened. End of February 2010 it turned out that a single perpetrator was behind the attacks, who was arrested.

Information to the security agencies

The press likened the style of the letter of confession and the contacts with the media with those of the Red Army Faction. So far there are only a few forum entries, which are attributed to this group. Goals are unspecified reforms of the economy, they want to bring about through effective public attacks (eg, arson ). They manifest themselves as bitter opponents of the capitalist market economy. The movement of morning light said in its Statute 'unsocial company " war on and advertises for new members. "Sure, the opponents of the " movement morning light ". Corporations, companies, banks," The Frankfurt prosecutor, however, did not rule " copycat effect " and " freeloaders " from the State Office of Criminal Hesse fear that it could a terrorist group created, similar to the Revolutionary Cells which in the 1970s had its own style with arson attacks and claiming responsibility.

On 22 February 2010 arrest warrant against Thomas R. was raised, which was unmasked by video recordings at two crime scenes and an internet café. The investigators believe that the Tatverdächtigte is a sole perpetrator.

Actions of the movement the morning light

On November 2, 2009, there were two attacks on bank branches in Frankfurt. About 1 clock at night the slice of a Dresdner Bank branch was taken and thrown into a soaked rag with gasoline. It caused property damages of € 10,000, due to the high smoke had to be evacuated residents. The next night was against 1:20 clock in Frankfurt Bockenheim, a kind of incendiary bomb consisting of a filled with butane gas spray can be ignited at a branch of Deutsche Bank. The house located apartments and a butcher were damaged. It caused property damages of € 100,000. In a letter claiming the incident is intra-group criticized because people were at risk, the group advocating exclusively violence against property. The group announced that it would redound 1822 damage in a further action of the savings bank. In January 2010, several letters claiming responsibility were sent in connection with a declaration addressed to Roland Koch fake bomb in the form of a non-explosive pipe bomb. The group threatened in a live bomb in the vicinity of his possessions to fire, if Koch holds on to his controversial remarks to a stronger work requirement of ALG II recipients. Similarly, the grouping known early February to an arson attack on a branch of the temporary employment company Randstad, the authorship of another attack on a branch Schlecker is seen by the police authorities in connection.

Reception in the media

The sent by e -mail claiming responsibility were received by different media. The Young World commented on 2009, published on the Internet statutes and programs as " oblique stuff" that sound " after a rather superficial analysis of the political situation ." The movement was however " excited some attention " by the arson attacks. The Financial Times Germany drew parallels with the RAF. They also pointed out that after the first two attacks, " no less than four letters claiming responsibility for various media Frankfurt received " and described the theory circulating the Internet Manifesto as well as " confused ". Finally she said, quoting the letter and said: " After all, at one point the militant group formulated soothingly ." We are more of a cuddly troops and no raf "Der Spiegel joined largely the analysis of FTD and led the growth of left -motivated vandalism in Berlin in addition of.


In July 2010, was brought against Thomas R. indictment before the Frankfurt Regional Court. The trial began on September 23, 2010, he was sentenced to 4 years and 10 months in prison for arson and disturbing the peace on October 20, 2010. Because of his disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS ), he was released early from prison.

Pictures of Bewegung Morgenlicht
