
Cafeteria roenbergensis

The Bicosoecida are a group of flagellates within the Stramenopilen.

There are single-celled organisms that live alone or in colonies. Three-piece Mastigonemen are present or absent. Plastids are missing. They feed on phagotroph Cytostomen (cell mouths ). These are supported by wide microtubule roots. Some species have a Lorica.

The species live primarily on the ground of waters, they often attach themselves firmly to the posterior flagellum to the substrate.


The group belongs to the Stramenopilen due to their heterosexual accounts flagella. The Bicosoecida include the following genera:

  • Adria Monas
  • Bicosoeca
  • Cafeteria
  • Cyathobodo
  • Pseudobodo
  • Pseudodendromonas
  • Siluania