Big Man, Little Love

  • Dilan Ercetin: Hejar
  • Şükran Güngör: Rifat Bey
  • Füsun Demirel: Sakine
  • Yildiz Kenter: Müzeyyen Hanim
  • Ismail Hakki Sen: Evdo Emmi

Hejar -. Big Man, Small Love is a Turkish film from 2001 is director Handan Ipekçi, which also wrote the screenplay. Theatrical release in Germany was on October 2, 2002.


Hejar, a five year old Kurdish girl, has lost her parents during a police operation in eastern Turkey. The village elder ( Evdo ) brings to Istanbul, where their paths cross with those of the retired judge Rifat Bey. Hejar a second time must save themselves from the police when she finds refuge just with Rifat. As a conservative public servant he only speaks Turkish, they speak only Kurdish. Gradually succeeds Hejar to dissuade the little girl with the sad face and flowery curses, the old man of his radical attitude. Rifat learn Kurdish and Hejar speaks the first Turkish words. And both can not live without the other.

Despite the closeness it before takes some time to Rifat ever learns only Hejars name because he his housekeeper Sakine Kurdish ( Kurdish name Rojbîn ) initially forbids to speak Kurdish with Hejar. Only when he is with the child who always gets back to his mother, not to help know he calls her and asks for her help ( here is the point at which Rifat begins to learn Kurdish ).

He leaves office looking over her parents and learns so that she has no family. With this knowledge he considers to adopt her. Evdo who has experienced through the radio of the murder of Hejars relatives, has meanwhile opened anxiously to search Hejar. And he finds it when he meets in the hallway on her and Rifat who come back just out of town. Now Hejar must choose where they want to live.


  • The director Handan Ipekçi was threatened in 2003 with a prison sentence of up to 6 months.

