Big Mouth & Ugly Girl

Under Suspicion is the first novel by Joyce Carol Oates. The novel is subtitled The Story of Big Mouth and Ugly Girl by the name of the original written in English. The publication of the original held by the publisher Harper Collins in 2002. The German -language edition was published in DTV in the series Hanser in a translation by Birgitt Kollmann (ISBN 978-3-423-62425-1, 1st Edition, November 2009) with the recommended age from 13 years.


The novel begins with the fact that Matt is sitting with friends at school, to pay him two police officers, accusing him that he intended to blow up the school. This is followed by a series of problems for Matt and his family, but Ursula, a rather unpopular classmate, sits down for Matt and justice one. In the end, Matt and Ursula fall in love and all accusations against Matt to be elucidated.


  • The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: "One lesser writer would have the complex history of belonging and being an outsider, courage and first love easily may mar the romantic -inspired detective story, but Joyce Carol Oates knows how to embed their themes into the plot that no aspect to comes shortly. Here, the story of Big Mouth and Ugly Girl reads fluently and exciting. "
  • From the Frankfurter Rundschau: " One thing is clear: Anyone who has a clean record, must be very well worry about. Our freedom is based not only on security but also on trust. That makes this YA clear and concrete. "
  • Susanne Meyer of the time said: " In the e- mail mix of styles ' tells the author then, as the outsider of his Ursula (Matte ) assumes, as they are friends and help each other. For this, a, cinematic opener 'and a just such an end ... "