Biometrical Journal

The Biometrical Journal brings statistical methods and their applications in the life sciences including medicine, ecology and agriculture. Typical items include both the development of the methodology and their application. Today, on the web site of the publisher publishes data to illustrate the articles and program code for the purpose of reproducibility.

Wiley - VCH publishes the Biometrical Journal in cooperation with the German region of Austria- Switzerland Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS) electronically and printed in English.


Ten years after the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany ( FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) began Ottokar Heinisch (Leipzig, GDR ) and Maria Pia Geppert ( Bad Nauheim, Germany ) 1959 jointly Biometric magazine issue in the Akademie Verlag, when the journal the German Region of the IBS, held at the annual conferences since 1953. Twelve years after the construction of the Berlin Wall and under pressure from the GDR own IBS region GDR was established to reduce the contacts with the FRG. The magazine got its English title Biometrical Journal 1976, when Erna Weber ( Berlin, GDR ) was its editor. The two regions of IBS united immediately after the reunification of Germany back. Heinz Ahrens and Klaus Bellmann ensured the continuation of the Biometrical Journal. The reunified German Region (DR ) operation to restart the Biometrical Journal magazine as the region since 1994. According to an agreement with the Academy Publishing, the magazine was published " in cooperation with the German Region of the IBS " and since then with a new envelope. 1997 Wiley -VCH Verlag (Berlin and Weinheim) took over the magazine from the Akademie Verlag (Berlin). First editor then was Jürgen Läuter ( Magdeburg ), followed by Peter Baur ( Vienna). In 2004 decided the region Austria- Switzerland and the IBS and the Wiley -VCH Verlag German region that the two regions, the electronic version Subscribe and rename the editors, as a first Edgar Brunner (Göttingen ) and Martin Schumacher ( Freiburg ).

Frequent Mathematics Subject Classification codes during the first 50 years ware " Analysis of Variance ", " linear regression", " Genetics ", " classification and discrimination", " Parametric inference, hypothesis testing ," " sampling theory" and " Multivariate analysis; contingency tables ".

Literature and citation databases

The Biometrical Journal can be found in comparing statistical journals from 2007, therefore it is evaluated by Current Index to Statistics, Zentralblatt MATH, and Medline. Its impact factor was close to the median of the considered statistical journals. The web site of the publisher are plus such CompuMath Citation Index, EORTC Bibliography Database, Mathematical Reviews, SCOPUS, VINITI, Web of Science, Zoological Record and the Impact Factor 1.152 for 2012.

Pictures of Biometrical Journal
