Biot's respiration

As Biot- breathing ( rare: meningitisches breathing or ataxic breathing) is a form of periodic or intermittent breathing referred to are repeatedly interrupted by sudden breaks at sufficiently strong and uniform deep breaths. This breathing form indicates a severe impairment of the respiratory center. Named is this breathing disorder after the French physician Camille Biot ( 1850-1918 ).


Typical is the Biot breathing for an injury to the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata, a part of the brainstem. The nerve cells that are part of the reticular occurring in this part of the brain formation. The Biot respiration occurs in this area, such as by a brain contusion in the context of heightened intracranial pressure, meningoencephalitis, and direct damage.

Occasionally, they may also occur in healthy preterm and term newborns.
