Bird of prey

As raptors are referred to in historical classifications an order of birds from the present Falk -like ( Falconiformes ), birds of prey ( Accipitriformes ) and owls ( Strigiformes ) composed.

The comparative anatomist and ornithologist Max Fürbringer published in 1888 his two-volume work Studies on the morphology and systematics of birds, in which he came to the conclusion that the owls to the " Rakenvögeln " and the " catch birds " ( Accipitres ) are among the " shock birds " would. In 1893 the band appeared from Brehm's animal life, which depends on Fürbringer, among the birds impact the Anatidae, Tinamous and " Würgvögel " ( Ciconiiformes ). The Würgvögel translated in turn consists of the catch and walking birds, Ruderfüßern and the flamingos. The Rakenvögeln (consisting of Racken ( Coraciidae ) and the Kurol ( Coraciidae with him Leptosomidae ) ) include here the owls, birds Schwalm, Rakenartigen. Through this classification Fürbringers the taxon " birds of prey " was invalid.

Meanwhile, the classification of these birds has changed several times and then catch birds were first renamed raptors and then divided into Falk behaved ( Falconiformes ) and raptors ( Accipitriformes ). Falk behaved ( Falconiformes ), raptors ( Accipitriformes ) and owls ( Strigiformes ) are performed in newer classifications can be separate systems.
