Biscutella laevigata

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Straight - Brillenschötchen ( Biscutella laevigata )

The smooth Brillenschötchen ( Biscutella laevigata ), also called Glattfrüchtiges Brillenschötchen, is a species in the genus Brillenschötchen ( Biscutella ) and belongs to the cabbage family ( Brassicaceae).

It is a very polymorphic species and comes in Germany in five, in Austria in three subspecies.


The perennial herbaceous plant reaches heights of growth from 15 to 50 cm. The stalked basal leaves are up to 12 centimeters long and are oblong - lanceolate, margin entire and dentate to coarsely sinuate. The leaves are rough -haired or bald. The stem leaves are smaller and sessile. The four-fold, hermaphrodite, yellow flowers are in loose, branched clusters. The petals are four to eight millimeters long and are narrow ovate. The sepals are yellow- green.

The flowering season is from May to August.

The spectacle-shaped fruit are little pods. The gap fruit splits into two one-seeded winged nutlets.


The Smooth Brillenschötchen is a perennial Hemikryptophyt and a half rosette plant or a Chamaephyt.

The flowers are " nectar leading funnel flowers " without juice holder. The two nectar glands are on either side of the ovary. Bloom time is from May to August.

Made up of two circular compartments schizocarps divided into two one-seeded, 4-7 mm long wing nuts. There are adapted to strong winds gliders. Flying is possible except by the broad wing edges and through the air-containing tissues of the pericarp. In addition, the propagation takes place as water Hafter and Regenschwemmling. Fruit ripening begins in August.

Vegetative propagation is by root sprouts.


The species is distributed from the valley up to 2800 m above sea level. As location stony grass, rock, debris and boulders are preferred. With its well-developed root system it can hold its own in the rubble.

The smooth Brillenschötchen is widespread in Central Europe. In Germany in the foothills of the Alps and the Alps only scattered in the low mountain ranges ( resin, Eifel, Hunsrück) rare and only locally, in the North German lowlands it is missing altogether.

Also in the Pyrenees, Apennines, Carpathians, Tatras and Balkans it is widespread.
