Björketorp Runestone

The Runestone Björketorp (DR 360 U) is a rune stone from the 7th century and stands on a burial ground, about one kilometer west of Listerby, a longer Tätort in the municipality of Ronneby in the Swedish province of Blekinge. The approximately four -meter-high stone is one of the highest rune stones in Sweden and belongs to the group of Blekinge Runestones.

The rune stone is the most conspicuous object within a fund complex. It forms two slightly lower making feeling a triangle, with seven other stones forming the complex a Domarring. The overall context of the stone circles indicates a sacred place of worship and or Thingstätte.


The runic inscriptions are taught on both sides of the front and back of the stone. The interpretation of the Norse inscription is disputed. The inscription (c. 675) used runes of the elder Futhark and is in the verses of the Galdralag, of Germanic spell or Galster / Galder.

  • Side A: HaidR runo runu, falh'k hedra ginnarunaR. Argiu hermalausR ... weladauþe, Sar That brytR. Translation: " The splendor of runes [ d is, the coming of the sky powers ] series I hid here, magic runes. By restless Argheit ( perversity ), outside [= in the stranger ] is a treacherous death, who destroyed this (monument). "
  • Side B: Uþarba spa. Translation: "I announce to ruin. "