Black-capped marmot

Black Hat marmot ( Marmota camtschatica )

The Black Hat marmot ( Marmota camtschatica ) is a socially living species of the genus marmots. The name derives from the prominent dark hair on top of the head and neck, which clearly sets itself apart from the otherwise brown body dress.

The Black Hat Marmot is a Palaearctic type whose distribution is limited to the north-east Siberia. However, its range is not contiguous. Reserves are found in the mountains and the tundra around the Lake Baikal, the upper rivers of Jana and Kolyma, in the north of Kamchatka and in the central and northern part of the Chukchi Peninsula. Due to its northern habitat this species is one marble as well as the Alaska marmot on Arctic fauna. The animals are about 50 to 55 inches tall and weigh between three and five kilograms.

Black Hat marmots survive the arctic and subarctic winter by a long winter dormancy, they spend within the family. The burrows of this animal warden exhibit transitions that can be over 100 feet long and extend partially below the permafrost.

To use fur see also marble coat.
