Blind loop syndrome

The Blind loop syndrome (german blind -loop syndrome ), also known under the synonyms of blind pouch syndrome and blind loop syndrome, refers to the Malassimilation and malabsorption (ie malabsorption ) of fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, with disabled or be sacked intestine can arise.

The Blind loop syndrome is a sequence of states or surgical procedures that lead to the elimination of a particular section of the intestine, such as diverticula, bypass Enteroanastomosen in the small intestine.

Due to a chronic congestion of the intestinal contents in the blind loop ( Chymusstagnation ) may lead to bacterial overgrowth, mucosal irritation and indigestion which has the consequence. By stasebedingte bacterial colonization occurs on the one hand to an increased consumption of vitamin B12 ( intestinal flora ), so there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 with the corresponding symptoms, on the other hand, the deconjugated bile acids are rapidly, which leads to diarrhea. Another mechanism for the development of diarrhea appears to be produced by bacterial enterotoxins.


Due to the deconjugation of bile acids leads to a Chologenic diarrhea ( diarrhea), in addition to malabsorption of fats leads to steatorrhea, thus to a decrease of fatty stool. Accompanying patients experience abdominal pain and nausea and as a complication of diarrhea, it can lead to hypocalcemia and weight loss. The vitamin B12 deficiency has, if untreated, pernicious anemia result.


The treatment can be done surgically or medically. Operationally, one can abrade the blind sac ( Blindsackresektion ) or the anastomosis convert into a physiological end-to -end anastomosis. Medical therapy is used to combat bacterial colonization tetracyclines to bind the free bile acids, cholestyramine may be used. Parenteral Vitamin B12 supplementation would be advisable to avoid the complication of anemia.
