
The Blšanka at Liběšovice

The Blšanka, also Zlatý Potok ( German Goldbach ) is a right tributary of Eger in Bohemia. A characteristic feature of the river is a red-brown color by silt.


The Blšanka just East of the military installations of Kopáčov on the military training area in the south of Hradiště Doupov Mountains. Your source lies at the western foot of the Prokopy ( Prokop, 748 m ) and southwest of the Pilíř ( Filirsch, 760 m ) to a saddle on the 800 m northwest of Liboc also has its origin. The passage of Blšanka leads first to the Southeast and after two kilometers, it leaves the forest house Sklárna the military area. About Bela, Hamerský Domek, Horni Mlýn, Kostrčany, Petrův Mlýn and Nahořečice it reaches Lubenec, where it turns to the east and later the northeast and the location between the Doupov Mountains, Rakonitzer hill country and the Džbán Bergland fertile basin Podbořansko flows ( Goldbach country). Along the Blšanka follow the places Řepany, Přibenice, Mukoděly, Kryry, Hřebíčkovský Mlýn, Hradcany, Očihov, Berani Dvůr Blšany, Sirem, Carka, Liběšovice, Libořice, Železná, Mecholupy, Nový Mlýn, Bukovina, Holedeč, Holedeček, Stránky, Veletice, Dobříčany and Trnovany. After 49 kilometers, the Blšanka opens opposite Zálužice in the Eger. At its mouth it has an average water flow of 1.05 m³ / s

From Kryry downstream located along the Blšanka easy attachment lines of the Czechoslovak Walls. From Železná the railway line Praha- Chomutov follows the course of the river.

The Blšanka led in the past multiple severe flooding. In the night from 25 to May 26, 1872 devastated after cloudbursts a nightly flash flood that Goldbachtal; thereby drowned several people and it created considerable damage. Since 1905, the water level is measured in Holedeč. The highest recorded since the water levels in 1956 were at 2.80 m and 2.32 m in 1920. In contrast, the river dried up in the years 1906, 1907, 1911, 1935, 1953, 1965 and 2007, in part over several months. In 1969 in Holedeč the establishment of a limnigraphischen station and also the Schwemmstoffeintrag since 1995 there is observed in the water. The red-brown water color is caused by the high proportion of iron compounds in the residual soils from the time of the Permian. In the rain 1995 Blšanka resulted in Holedeč with nearly 7,000 t silt, in the drought year 1998, compared with only 293 t. The Blšanka has a width of 5 to 10 m at its lower reaches and is surrounded by steep embankments lehmsandigen.


  • Libkovický Potok ( r) at Libkovice
  • Struhařský Potok (r ), Lubenec
  • Ležecký Potok ( r) above Přibenice
  • Mlýnecký Potok ( l), above Kryry
  • Podhora ( l), above Kryry
  • Podvinecký Potok (r ), Kryry
  • Očihovecký Potok ( r) above Očihov
  • Valovský Potok ( l), at Berani Dvůr
  • Černocký Potok ( r) at Sirem
  • Želečský Potok ( r) at Železná
  • Klučecký Potok ( r) at Dobříčany
  • Radíčeveská strouh ( l), Trnovany
  • Liběšický Potok (r ), Trnovany
  • River system Eger (Elbe )
  • River in Europe
  • River in the Czech Republic