Blue Demon

Alejandro Muñoz Moreno ( born April 24, 1922 in Rinconada, Nuevo León, Mexico, † 16 December 2000), better known by his ring name Blue Demon ( Demonio Azul in Spanish), was a Mexican Luchador, wrestler and actor.


Moreno was coached by Rolando Vera and debuted on March 12, 1948 at a wrestling show in Laredo.

Mexico / World Wide Wrestling Federation

Moreno returned to Mexico and entered the first time in Mexico City with mask as Blue Demon on. From then on he became a heel on throughout Mexico. Along with The Black Shadow Moreno formed the tag team Los Hermanos Shadow. With him, Moreno won the Mexican National Tag Team Championship. In 1953, Moreno won the NWA World Welterweight Title of El Santo.

In 1972, Moreno went several times in the World Wide Wrestling Federation (now World Wrestling Entertainment).

In 1988, Moreno ended his career.


On December 16, 2000 Moreno died due to a heart attack. Moreno was buried with his mask.


  • Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre

