Bodish languages

The bodischen languages ​​( short Bodisch ) form a subgroup of the Tibeto-Burman languages ​​, a primary branch of the Sino Tibetan. The bodischen about 65 languages ​​are spoken by seven million people in the Himalayan region, especially in Tibet, northern India, Nepal and Bhutan. The most important sub-group of Bodischen form the Tibetan languages ​​with over five million speakers, the largest single languages ​​are Tibetan ( 4.5 million speakers, including the Amdo and Kham varieties ) and the Tamang, which is spoken by almost a million people in Nepal.

To distinguish the names Bodisch and Tibetan see the items Tibetan languages.

Classification and sub-units

  • Sino-Tibetan Tibetobirmanisch Bodisch Tibetan
  • Ghale Tamang
  • Tshangla
  • Takpa ( Moinba )
  • Dhimal -Toto