Body text

As a body type typesetter designated the font in which the flow or quantity of text was set. The origin of the term is that the typesetter earned with the body type, his " daily bread ". Occasionally, the terms are factory - or base font used.

Bread writings, there is usually in the font sizes 8 point ( Petit ), 9 point ( Borgis ) and 10 point ( body) as well as numerous intermediate sizes. In contrast to body type are the Marking or title headings, this is also the translator of Display setting.

Well-known international bread writings include the Baskerville that use the Playboy magazine and many U.S. newspapers, the Times after the namesake newspaper, the Excelsior (many German newspapers) and Minion (many journals ).

  • Typography
  • Rate ( pressure)
  • High pressure

Pictures of Body text
