
Boguszów -Gorce ( German Gottesberg -Roth Bach) is a city in the powiat Wałbrzyski in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship in Poland since 1973. It is the seat of the municipality of the same name and is located eight kilometers south-west of Wałbrzych.


Boguszów -Gorce is in the east of the Waldenburg mountain country in the Province Road 367, which runs from Wałbrzych after Kamiennogórska. Neighboring towns are Lubomin in the north, Konradów and Wałbrzych in the northeast, Zagórze Śląskie the east, Jedlina -Zdrój in the southeast, Rybnica Leśna and Unisław Slaski in the southeast, Mieroszów in the south, Krzeszów and Grzędy in the southwest and Czarny Bór and Kamiennogórska in the West. Boguszów -Gorce has two stops on the train line Wałbrzych - Meziměstí.


The Twin Cities Boguszów -Gorce created in 1973 by merging the formerly independent villages Boguszów ( Mountain of God ) and Gorce (Roth Bach). 1974-1998 was Boguszów -Gorce the Province Wałbrzych. Until the early 1990s was promoted coal in the area of ​​Boguszów -Gorce. In 2012, the population was 16,494.

Community structure

The municipality Goguszów -Gorce is made up of the districts of

  • Boguszów (God's Mountain )

And the municipal districts

  • Kuźnice Świdnickie ( Fell Hammer) and
  • Stary Lesieniec ( Altlässig )


  • Geldrop, The Netherlands, since 1995
  • Piennes, France, since 1999
  • Smiřice, Czech Republic, since 2000