Boko language

Spoken in

Niger -Congo

  • Mande east Bisa - Busa Samo - Busa Busasprachen Busa - Boko


Boko (ISO 639-3 is BQC ) is a Mandesprache, which is spoken by 110,000 people, including 70,000 in the Benin province Borgou and 40,000 in Nigeria in the states of Niger (LGA Borgu ) and Kebbi (LGA Bagudo ).

It is most closely related to the language Busa [ bqp ], and has with her a lexical similarity of 90%. Together with the languages ​​Bokobaru [ bus], Kyenga [ tye ] and Schanga [ sho ] from Nigeria, is the subgroup of Busa languages. In the past, the Boko -native speakers talked mostly Hausa, Yoruba, Fulfulde Baatonum and as a second language. Today, they speak almost exclusively French as a second language.
