
The bolero is a Spanish dance in moderate geschwindem 3/4-time, often with changes of meter, which evolved from Contradanza and Sevillana. It was invented in 1780 by Sebastian Zerezo, a dancer at the Spanish court in Cádiz.

It is danced by two people with castanets and accompanied by a zither or more instruments. Accompanied with singing and guitar hot boleros Seguidillas Bolero.

World renown reached the Bolero by the same orchestral piece by Maurice Ravel.

Not related to the Spanish Bolero is the Cuban bolero, which is usually listed in 2/4- or 4/4-Metrum. There are numerous variations that have arisen among others, by the influence of other musical styles (such as Son). As a dance form Bolero - Son has special gained popularity, though ( outside of Cuba ) under the misleading term " Rumba ".
