Boonesborough, Kentucky

Boonesborough is an US- American community in Madison County, Kentucky.

The Kentucky River flows through the city. Is named Boonesborough after its founder Daniel Boone, who erected in 1775 at this point, the end point of the described by him Wilderness Road, a base camp and lived there from 1775 to 1779. Boone led the fortified settlement successfully through the siege of 1778 during the American Revolutionary War.

After 1800 the population took off and on, to Boonesborough was no longer counted in the 1820 census as a city. The fort fell apart and the walls were used as building material. Only in the 20th century, people began to take an interest again for the city.

1963 Fort Boonesborough State Park was opened, archaeological excavations are being carried out here since 1987.
