Boot, Cumbria

54.39655 - 3.270507Koordinaten: 54 ° 24 ' N, 3 ° 16' W

Boat is a village in the Eskdale Valley, Cumbria in the Lake District in England.

10-15 people live permanently in the boat. In summer, the number of residents can temporarily increase to around 100 when hikers and tourists come to the town. Boat has two restaurants and a campground.

The current endpoint of the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway is located about 300 m from the village.

The place can be reached from the east runs through the Eskdale valley on a road. From the west, the road leads over the Hardknott Pass and the Wrynose pass two of the steepest passes in England, which are often impassable by snow and ice in winter.

  • Place in Cumbria