
The river in La Batie - Montgascon

The Bourbre is a river in France, which runs in the Rhône -Alpes Isère. It rises in the municipality of Burcin, drained initially in a north-easterly direction, but then turns to the northwest, later to North and flows 72 km in the municipality of Chavanoz as a left tributary of the Rhône. Between Bourgoin- Jallieu and Charvieu - Chavagneux the river is channeled and is called Canal de Dessèchement de la Bourbre.

Places on the river

  • Virieu
  • Saint -André- le- Gaz
  • Saint- Clair -de- la-Tour
  • La Tour- du-Pin
  • Ruy
  • Bourgoin- Jallieu
  • L' Isle- d'Abeau
  • La Verpellière
  • Tignieu - Jameyzieu
  • Charvieu - Chavagneux
  • Pont -de- Chéruy