Bradfield's Hornbill

The Felsentoko ( Tockus bradfieldi ) is an African bird that belongs to the hornbills ( Bucerotidae ).


The Felsentoko is a medium sized bird with a body length of 50-57 cm and yellow eyes. It is characterized by its long, hornless, brownish orange-red beak and his gray-brown plumage. His belly and the tips of his long tail feathers are white. The females are smaller and can be recognized by their turquoise facial skin. The similar Kronentoko ( Tockus albiterminatus ) has a much darker top and the outer tail feathers also similar Monteiro - Toko ( Tockus monteiri ) are white.


The Felsentoko is used in Mopanewäldern and bush savannas in north-eastern Namibia, especially here at the Waterberg, Northern Botswana, Angola and South East Ostsimbabwe.


The diet consists of insects, small reptiles, fruits and seeds, they usually take the floor.


The voice of the Felsentokos consists of a series of " Pi -pi -pi -pi -pi -pi -pi- pihuh " whistles.
