Brazilian motorcycle Grand Prix

The Brazilian Grand Prix for motorcycles was a motorcycle race, which was held between 1987 and 1992 four times and counted for motorcycle world championship.


The race took place from 1987 to 1989 in the Autódromo Internacional Ayrton Senna from Goiânia and 1992 in the Autódromo José Carlos Pace in São Paulo instead.

Also in 1990 and 1991 Brazilian Grand Prix was provided, but the races were canceled start of each season. 1991 was discharged as a replacement event, the Grand Prix at Le Mans.

In the 2014 season, the Grand Prix is back in the race calendar of the Motorcycle World Championship and will be held at the Autódromo Internacional Nelson Piquet near Brasília.

Record winners are Dominique Sarron from France and the Italians and Luca Cadalora who could win the race twice each.

Statistics of the Grand Prix of Brazil

