Brief reactive psychosis

Transitional syndrome is obsolete, no longer common name for a brief delirium. Among them was understood phenomena mostly in postoperative patients and especially in intensive care patients, showing a very time- limited and reversible especially without treatment disease. The concept of the passage syndrome for a special form of delirium was related to disorders in which the corresponding symptoms usually within hours or at most a few days without treatment to regress spontaneously (hence " transitional syndrome "). For these short-term organic psychosis has also been synonymous the concept of organic brain syndrome, psychosis or function used in surgery of postoperative delirium. A protracted (delayed ) transitional syndrome must like any delirium are treated immediately with early diagnosis. Since, however, can not be said without diagnosis, whether the delirium heals self-limiting without treatment or further diagnostics is necessary to have a watchful waiting in delirium is a medical malpractice today. Due to a lack or delayed diagnosis and treatment of the concept of a passage syndrome is no longer used therefore nowadays.


The term of passage syndrome has been used in a variety of patient treatment, particularly surgical procedures, as an accompanying disease in varying degrees. Typical is the occurrence of delayed about two days after surgery.


As a negative term for a special kind of delirium show the parties concerned the same mental disorders. It can be thought disorders, memory disorders, (especially visual ) hallucinations, lack of drive, but also anxiety, sudden mood swings and sleep (often with nightmares ) may occur. Even states of utter confusion and temporal and spatial disorientation are common.
