British Antarctic Survey

The British Antarctic Survey (BAS ) is the polar research program of the UK. Of all European countries, it has next to the French Polar Institute Paul Emile Victor ( IPEV ) is the largest network of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic stations.

One of the outstanding results of the research is the discovery of the ozone hole was made in 1985 by the lying in the polar region Halley station, located as optimal which is valid for geospace research.

In addition to the Halley station BAS operates the year-round manned stations Rothera on Adelaide Island, King Edward Point on South Georgia and Bird Iceland ( also Georgia ), as well as the occupied only in the austral summer stations Fossil Bluff on Alexander I Island, Sky Blu in Palmer country and Signy station on the South Orkney Islands. It also has to supply the stations, the two research vessels RRS Ernest Shackleton and RRS James Clark Ross.


  • British Antarctic Survey
  • Science and research in the UK
  • Research
  • Cambridge