Britta Böhler

Britta Böhler ( born July 17, 1960 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) is a German - Dutch lawyer and politician ( Groen Links ).

Youth and Education

Britta Böhler comes from a social-democratic and pacifist -oriented parents. She grew up in Freiburg im Breisgau, where he attended the Goethe -Gymnasium. Influences were the criminal proceedings against the Red Army Faction in the 1970s, where she was particularly impressed by the eloquent lawyer Schily for them.

She studied from 1979 to 1984 Law at the Albert -Ludwigs- University of Freiburg and received his PhD in Dr. jur .. Also, Britta Böhler studied from 1979 to 1980 and from 1980 to 1982 Economics Political Science at the University of Freiburg. From 1985 to 1989 she performed from the clerkship in Munich.


From 1989 she worked as a lawyer in Frankfurt am Main, she was here still aligned business law. In 1991 she moved to the Netherlands and was sworn in 1994 as Attorney in Amsterdam. 1995 Britta Böhler partner in law firm Böhler Franken Koppe today Wijngaarden. It deals primarily with criminal cases.

It sees itself as a political lawyer. Britta Böhler became known for their criminal credentials. So they took in 1999, two methods Abdullah Ocalan before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). In 2002 she was criminal defense of Volkert van der Graaf, because of its attack on Pim Fortuyn. She represented Margarita of Bourbon, the daughter of Irene of Orange- Nassau, in the affair of the alleged spying her client by the Dutch royal family. This caused the royal household for special attention, because Boehler is considered a Republican.

At a hearing in the Dutch Parliament on 10 December 2003, she stated that the anti- terrorism legislation of the Netherlands, a step for criminal convictions is their view. She was also the lawyer for the Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali in their expatriation.

Since 2012, Böhler is a professor at the University of Amsterdam.


Britta Böhler engaged in offices of Greenpeace in 1994 and headed its Dutch section 2000 to 2003. Position she was in connection with the criminal on account of the killing of Pim Fortuyn. From 2007 to 2011 was Böhler deputies in the First Chamber of the States General, the upper house of the Dutch parliament. She was there deputy parliamentary leader of her party Groen Links. For this position, Böhler had to give up her German passport.


Her first novel, The letter of the magician, over three days in the life of Thomas Mann, was released in February 2014 and Aufbau Verlag in September 2013 in Dutch ( " De beslissing " ) at Cossee Uitgeverij Amsterdam.

Pictures of Britta Böhler
