Brooke Greenberg

Brooke Greenberg ( born January 8, 1993, Baltimore, Maryland, † October 24, 2013 ibid ) was a grown woman with the physical and psychological appearance of an approximately one year old child. The disease from which she suffered, was designated as X syndrome. Greenberg was about 76 cm tall and 7.3 kg. She had not learned to speak, lived with her ​​parents and a younger sister normally developed in Reisterstown, Maryland.

Brooke was released in 1993 about a month too early with 1800 grams of weight in the Sinai Hospital on the world. It appeared then as a normal child. With time, however, noticed that it developed very slowly. In its first six years of life she had several life- threatening diseases. She had seven gastric ulcers and is said to have suffered a stroke. Nurtured it was via a gastric tube (PEG ).

Numerous studies could not clarify what their unique disease ( specificity, a severe developmental disorder ) based. "We have not identified any deviations from the norm ," said the examining specialist Richard Walker. Even a study of their DNA remained inconclusive. Although it seemed that they did not age, parts of her body were different ages, as their bones, which corresponded to a ten year old. The cells of her body were just as exhausted as it corresponded to their age.

Her condition was tentatively identified as syndrome X is not yet identified for a designated orphan disease.
