Brothers' Circle

As Brothers ' Circle ( previously known as the Family of Eleven and The Twenty ), an international criminal organization called, which is involved in drug trafficking. The mafia group is attributed to organized crime and as a priority of the Russian mafia. According to information from the Ministry of Finance of the United States, the organization in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the United States is active. As the leader applies Vladislav Leontyev, a Russian from Nizhny Novgorod.

2011, the Brothers ' Circle was named by the U.S. government under President Barack Obama as one of four criminal groups, which would represent the greatest threat to the security of the United States. The organization was described in "Strategy on Combating Transnational Organized Crime " as follows:

"A multiethnic criminal group composed of leaders and senior members of several criminal Organizations Largely based in countries of the former Soviet Union. Many Brothers ' Circle 's members share a common ideology based on the thief in law tradition, Which seeks to spread Their brand of criminal influence around the world. "

" A multi-ethnic criminal group, which is composed of the leaders and veteran members of several criminal organizations, which mainly come from the countries of the former Soviet Union. Many members of the Brothers ' Circles share an ideology that is based on the traditions of the thieves in the law who are trying to spread their brand of criminal influence in the world. "

Debate on the existence of the organization

The security expert Mark Galeotti doubted the existence of the Brothers ' Circle:

"I have not found anyone in Russian law enforcement or elsewhere who Actually says ' yes, the brother's circle is an organization and it exists. As examined the label Brothers ' Circle Could be seen as to attempt to connect disparate criminal output. "

"I have found neither in the Russian law enforcement authorities or anywhere else someone could tell what date: Yes, the Brothers ' Circle are an organization and you exist. Seen in the name Brothers ' Circle could be viewed as an attempt to combine different gangs. "

In June 2012, Galeotti changed his mind after five other high-ranking mafiosi were determined, and put on the presumption that the sanctions could actually be directed against members of the mafia organization of Aslan Usoyan.

Alleged members

In the following list to find the persons designated as " key members" by the U.S. Treasury, which are the Brothers ' Circle attributed.

  • Vladislav Leontyev
  • Vasiliy Khristoforov
  • Maxim Sheaib
  • Kamchy Kolbayev
  • Gafur Rakhimov
  • Alexey Zaytsev
  • Lazar Shaybazyan
  • Aleksandr Manuylov
  • Temuri Mirzoyev
  • Koba Shemazashvili
  • Lasha Shushanashvili
  • Kakhaber Shushanashvili
  • Vladimir Vagin
  • Zakhar Kalashov