Broughton, Flintshire

Broughton is a village in Wales. It is part of the Unitary Authority Flintshire in north-east Wales. The village is right on the border between England and Wales. The nearest large town on the English side is Chester. Broughton is one of the Airbus production sites in the UK and has regional airport Hawarden, who is directly involved in the Airbus site.

Broughton has a long tradition in the manufacture of aircraft parts as there were already made ​​for the De Havilland Aircraft Company in the '40s and '50s ( " Mosquito" and " Comet ").

Today in Broughton the wings for the Airbus A320 family and the A330 and A340 are produced. The item assembly of the wing of the A400M and A350 also takes place. Furthermore, it builds the wings and fuselages for the Raytheon Hawker 800
