
The buffet [ bʏfe ː ] is a special kind of food presentation. Instead of traditional menu sequence (eg starter, main course, dessert), which is served at the table of the guest, all dishes coated at a buffet at the same time on a separate table and attractively arranged, and the guest can use his preferences according to yourself. A distinction is made between cold buffets, on which mainly cheese, sausage and seafood platters, salads, pastries and butter as well as smaller cold dishes and various desserts are offered, and hot buffets, in addition to the constituents mentioned also soups, meat and fish dishes or vegetarian options as well as various side dishes ready.

The buffet spread in the 17th century from France to the rest of Europe from. As a sponsor of the buffet applies Napoleon, who was said to be no friend too formal receptions; as well the tradition of standing reception ( finger food ) goes back on him. The culinary needs of guests on such receptions was then just using a buffet.

In the catering yourself buffets have now become important marketing tools and thus offer many restaurants at certain times of food in buffet form at a flat price.

While in the USA for over 20 years special buffet restaurant chains exist, serving food exclusively in buffet form, there are such gastronomy businesses in Germany only recently. However, hot and cold buffets have long been for the provision of catering premises and butchers.

Operating mode

There are the regular stationary buffet, which is constructed over the entire period of the event. Occasionally there is a themed buffet, which is restricted to a limited selection of food ( according to the given topic). In addition, there is also a so-called flying buffet, there is a selection of prepared food brought over on a tray in place, and everyone is allowed to take the food he wants. The latter mode is used in a confined space or impromptu events are used.

Operating Rules

There are different types of dishes and cutlery on the one hand and the food on the other hand to position in space, or even the rooms and along out the guests at the buffet:

  • A standard method is linear, the two -fold: Starting with napkins, cutlery and crockery, food is lined up in the order ( the tables are not necessarily in a straight, but closed line ), in which they had been served with traditional menu sequence. Guests are held, in principle, also to hire in a row and the buffet to pace, '. Leaving the series is accepted at any time, the Into the insistence not.
  • A variant of this, the tables - single or in groups - from the outset in a kind of sawtooth behind and next to each other so as to make it clear that entry into the course at different locations is possible (eg skip the appetizer).
  • By significantly ( possibly spatial ) separation of the individual components of their autonomy buffet is signaled, so guests can trade their personal preferences.