
Bukonys is a village with 657 inhabitants in the Rajongemeinde Jonava on the road KK145. It is the center of the Amtsbezirks Bukonys (1910 inhabitants) and the Catholic parish and consists of two administrative districts ( Bukonys I and II Bukonys ).

There are secondary school, library, post office (LT- 55075 ), St. Michael the Archangel Church Bukonys ( built in 1829 ), the cemetery Bukonys ( in the East) and the Grange Bukonys.


The village is known since the 16th century on the major road Saint Petersburg- Warsaw. In the 19th century the construction of a new highway Bukonys remained at the edge. 1921 taught 32 students in elementary school Bukonys (then Panoteriai area, District Ukmergė ). The school was in a manor house, which was built in 1584.

In 1923 there were 242 inhabitants, of which 53 are in the farm. From 1950 to 1992 Bukonys was central settlement of the state farm Bukonys.
